Thursday, February 22, 2018

"I'm Still Here" Tribute to the anonymous girl

Dear anonymous girl,
           I must start off by saying thank you.  Thank you for writing and helping us understand and learn about what had happened to you and your people.  You were very brave even though the conditions you had to live must have been very difficult. Your stories about sneaking food out because of how hungry you are shows us the difficulty of finding food.  The stories you had told through your diary have helped so much to understand you and try our best to create a better place now.  Once again thank you.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Home may be that place where you live or place that makes you feel good.  A house literally is a place where you live or stay most of the time. I feel like home really is a place where you are comfortable and feel like you can be pretty much as weird as you want. Another thing that home should feel like is safe.  Sometimes home is your own house or maybe your friend's house it can be anywhere that you feel safe and have the feeling of just being yourself.  This shows that some people may have multiple homes and that doesn't mean that you live in those homes.  I feel like a house is the building where you live and home is somewhere where you feel safe and comfortable.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Pictures are like memories that are frozen in time, here are a few that show some of my favorite memories.

First Holy Communion

This picture shows the priests, and the communicants, which I am apart of.  This was taken on January 21, 2018 the day of our First Holy Communion.  I found it important to me because it was a big step in my faith and I find my faith very important.

This is my basketball team of the Winter 2017. We may not of taken that many wins but I'm pretty sure we all can agree we all had fun.  

This picture is of me and my friend right before we preformed our dance.  I feel like dance has been and still is a big part of my life.  Especially since I have been doing it since I was 5.  Dance has helped me get happy when I am down and just have fun.


    Oh, food what would I do with out you. You  help me through all those times when my stomach hurts.  I eat you when I'm happy, sad, mad, ...